Thursday, February 25, 2010


I was taking some pictures of nature outside and these are the results of my favorite one's. I Hope you like them.


  1. Thanks for join Annabel! I love to comunicate with young people and especially with nice and clever little ladies; may be because I do not have a daughter, but only an adult son, which I hope will give me two or three grandchildren to spoil; in the meantime, I spoil a niece, Martina, twelve years old!
    Your pictures are beautiful, have you contemplated to became a photographer?

  2. I don't want to do it for a living, but I want to get my own camera and become skilled at it.

    P.S. I couldn't have made the pictures as good without my trusty computer effects. For example, I cropped the cat.

    P.P.S. :) :) :) :) :)

  3. What great pictures!

    P.S. "Crop the Cat," he he!

  4. Congratulations on your Youtube debut Annabel! I'm going to follow the link on your mom's blog, and take a look.

  5. Hi Annabel,
    I just watched your Youtube video and I wanted to say it was beautiful. You, and your sister, made a great piece of art!
    I love the photo of the cat. I love your other photos because they show me the perspective of someone who is your size. I think I'll have to take some pictures from lower positions now too!
    Good luck with everything!
