Monday, October 25, 2010

Corner View~Holiday Part 3

Here's part 1, and 2 for those of you who have not read them.
We also went to Future World, which is like the Disney Land of France, but for my last entry of this corner view, I'm going to focus on Venice.
When we arrived, I was in shock. It was so beautiful. So un-polluted. There were no cars. Not one. There were plenty of boats, and we took a taxi boat to our hotel. We settled in. The next few days were a blur. I remember walking everywhere. Going to little far away towns to buy little home made glass knickknacks for a high, tourist rip-off price. (But hey, we were tourist's!) Half the time, we spent eating, or-at least, I wish we had! We would go to a restaurant every night. There was the best spaghetti I ever tasted. There was lasagna, with hardly any marinara sauce, so it was like cheesy pasta. There was buttered spinach and
raw salmon (which my dad said was great, but I did not try. I could keep on going, but I might flood your house by making your mouth water so much.
So bye, bye until tomorrow when there's corner view again!

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